Vol. 5. No. 2 September 2001
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From The Editors


We think you will find Issue 5.2 filled with thought-provoking and practical information. Our lead articles, "Language Learning Across Boundaries - Negotiating Classroom Rituals" by Roger Nunn and "Pair Taping: Increasing Motivation and Achievement with a Fluency Practice" by Peter Schneider, both look at classroom practices and their effectiveness. The Forum addresses the issue of varieties of English, and "On the Internet" provides some practical instruction in providing audio files on the Internet. Of course, there is the usual complement of reviews. We hope you enjoy this issue, and spread the word of our existence.

We would like to welcome Thomas Farrell to the Editorial Board. Tom is an Assistant Professor in the Division of English Language & Literature at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. As a constructivist teacher-educator, his professional interests include reflective teaching, teacher beliefs and TESL methods. Tom has been published in TESL-EJ and has long been a supporter of our efforts. We are happy to include him in our Board.

While most of our reviewing has been done by Editorial Board members, the increased number of manuscripts submitted has forced us, happily, to use more outside reviewers. We would like to acknowledge the helpful participation of the following reviewers:

Dee Gardner, Brigham Young University
Claire Kramsch, former Board member, University of California, Berkeley
Rob Manheimer, University of California, Berkeley & Stanford University
John Oller, University of Louisiana, Lafayette
Rebecca Oxford, Columbia University
Greta Vollmer, Sonoma State University

Finally, we send our thoughts to those affected by the events of September 11. TESL-EJ is a collaboration of dedicated people from many cultures and beliefs, but we are uniform in our hope for peace for all.

Best wishes,

Maggie Sokolik

Thomas Robb

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