Volume 13, Number 3 — December 2009 A Word from the Editors… (pdf) Feature Articles Editor: Maggie Sokolik Tom S. Bellomo, Morphological Analysis as a Vocabulary Strategy for L1 and L2 College Preparatory Students (27 pgs), (pdf) Paul Davies, Strategic Management of ELT in Public Educational Systems: Trying to Reduce Failure, Increase Success (22 pgs), (pdf) Seyed Abdollah Shahrokni, Second Language Incidental Vocabulary Learning: The Effect of Online Textual, Pictorial, and Textual Pictorial Glosses (17 pgs), (pdf) On the Internet Editor: Vance Stevens Vance Stevens, Modeling Social Media in Groups, Communities, and Networks, (pdf) Media Articles & Reviews Editors: Thomas Delaney & Maja Grgurovic Randall Davis, Facebook, (pdf) Majid N. Al-Amri, Starfall.com, (pdf) Reviews Editor: Spencer Salas Classroom Texts Mindy Pasternak and Elisaveta Wrangell (2008), Well Read 3: Skills and Strategies for Reading, Student Book; Reviewed by Yoko Hangui Kawamura, (pdf) Susan Kesner Bland, Series Editor, Grammar Sense 4, Advanced Grammar and Writing; Reviewed by Fiona Cromarty-Lawtie, (pdf) Alice Savage and Patricia Mayer (2008), Grammar Sense 4, Advanced Grammar and Writing, Student Book; (pdf) Cathrine Dalton (2008) Grammar Senses, Advanced Grammar and Writing, Teacher’s Book; (pdf) Laura Chamberlin (2008), Grammar Sense 4, Advanced Grammar and Writing, Workbook; (pdf) Student Reference Kathy Ochoa Flores (2008), What Every ESL Student Should Know: A Guide to College and University Academic Success; Reviewed by Nur Yigitoglu, (pdf) Teacher Education and Resources John Field (2008), Listening in the Language Classroom; Reviewed by Rachel Allan, (pdf) Jose A. Carmona (Ed.) (2008), Perspectives on Community College ESL,Volume 3: Faculty, Administration, and the Working Environment; Reviewed by Erin-Kate Murphy, (pdf) Jerrie Cobb Scott, Dolores Y. Straker, Laurie Katz (2008), Affirming Students’ Right to Their Own Language: Bridging Language Policies and Pedagogical Practices; Reviewed by Iris Levitis, (pdf) Rebecca M. Howard & Amy E. Robillard, Eds. (2008), Pluralizing Plagiarism: Identities, Contexts, and Pedagogies; Reviewed by Ilka Henits, (pdf) David Johnson (2008), How Myths about Language Affect Education: What Every Teacher Should Know; Reviewed by Mandy Reinig, (pdf)