

TESL-EJ began as the brainchild of a group of scholars who saw the need for a freely-distributed electronic academic journal. It has grown to become an internationally- recognized source of ESL and EFL information for people in scores of countries.

Our first issue was published in the spring of 1994, and contains an overview article by Editorial Board member Roland Sussex. Since then, we have published a wide array of articles and reviews, linking authors and readers on an international scale.

TESL-EJ is fully refereed--each article undergoes a review by at least two knowledgeable scholars. Our goal is to shorten the time from submission to publication significantly from what has become the norm in print journals. We aim for a decision in 6 weeks (although 'human factors' occasionally cause delays).

We hope to broaden our range of participation. We invite you to submit an article for consideration, to review a book, software, or website, or to serve as a reviewer for manuscripts that are submitted. If you cannot help in this way, we hope that you will share with us the mission of making TESL-EJ known throughout the world as a dynamic and reliable source of research and information in English as a Second or Foreign Language.

Citing TESL-EJ

Please use the paginated pdf versions when citing TESL-EJ articles. For the first eight volumes, the html version is the definitive edition. Labels within the text, such as [-1-], are used to indicate the end of each page.

Each article is paginated independently. To cite page 56 of the Sussex article of issue 1.1, for example, we recommend the following formats:

Modified APA:

In text: Sussex (1994, p. 56)
In bibliography: Sussex, R. (1994). TESL-EJ: Conception and Potential of an Electronic Journal. TESL-EJ, 1(1), A-1.
Modified MLA:

In text: Sussex (56)
In bibliography: Sussex, Roland. TESL-EJ: Conception and Potential of an Electronic Journal. TESL-EJ, 1.1 (1994) A-1.


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Comments & Queries:

Please address any queries concerning the formatting of pages, broken links, etc. to the Co-Editor. Please 'cc' any comments to the editor, as well.

Editor: Maggie Sokolik <>
Co-Editor:Thomas Robb <>