Vol. 4. No. 4 December
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From The Editor

We are happy to present a jam-packed issue that will be of interest to all of us concerned with reading and writing (in other words, nearly everyone).

I will take the opportunity to note some changes in our Editorial Board. Bernard Spolsky and Robert Kaplan have both left our Editorial Board. We would like to thank them for their years of support of the journal. Given the nature of Editorial Boards, we have added a listing for past members of the board to our masthead as a way of recognizing not only past contributions, but also continued support of our work. We hope we don't have to add any more members to that list any time soon.

We are also pleased to announce two new board members:

Christopher Sauer: Director, ESL Program at Divine Word College, Iowa
Christine Uber-Grosse: Thunderbird College, Arizona

Being a member of the Editorial Board is not an honorary position. All manuscript submissions are reviewed by two board members, who report back with thorough comments on how the manuscript can be improved. We invite nominations (including self-nominations) for this important, and over-worked body.

Karen Stanley has taken over as the new Editor of our Forum. Her column deals with the situation for part-time teachers throughout the world. Karen has worked as a board member of TESL-L for many years, and we are happy she has found time to join us.

Finally, Suzanne Irujo will be leaving her position as Book Review Editor. We solicit applications for this position. We reluctantly add that this position is best filled by someone in the US or Canada, since publishers often will ship books only to addresses in these countries. However, we don't want to dissuade anyone. If you have the credentials and interest, we'll find a way! Please send applications to: sokolik@socrates.berkeley.edu. We thank Suzanne for her years of service to the journal. We will be fortunate to find someone who is half as competent as she has been.

We are also always looking for new Board members or readers interested in reviewing manuscripts. If you have specific qualifications we should consider, please contact us.

We are both pleased and saddened to include "EFL Academic Reading and Modern Technology" in this issue of the journal. We are pleased, of course, because it is another fine contribution by Thea Reves. It is with great sadness, however, as we note the passing of Thea Reves, who died of cancer. Thea was a great supporter and contributor to the journal over the past years. Her friends at Bar-Ilan note:

She was always the professional with a smile. Thea was ready to listen and discuss without any nonsense or ego getting in the way. She showed respect for her colleagues and she naturally received it. The world of English has lost a scholar and teacher that cannot be easily replaced.

We at TESL-EJ mourn her loss, and invite you to re-read her previous publications, listed here. She will be remembered for her fine scholarship and her friendship.

Adina Levine & Thea Reves, Interplay Between Reading Tasks, Reader Variables and Unknown Word Processing, Vol. 3.2

Thea Reves & Adina Levine, Data-collecting on Reading-writing Strategies: A Comparison of Instruments: A Case Study, Vol. 3.3


Maggie Sokolik

Thomas Robb

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