TESL-EJ welcomes book reviews and review essays of scholarly works and textbooks dealing with English teaching, applied linguistics, second language acquisition, language assessment, applied socio- and psycholinguistics, literacy, language policy or related disciplines. Anyone interested in reviewing a book for TESL-EJ may do so in one of the following ways:
In all cases, reviews will be considered for publication on the basis of the quality of the evaluation and description of the book, and the relevance and importance of the book to the field.
Please see the Review Style Guidelines (below) before submitting a review.
All reviews must be submitted electronically. Please label your file as follows: Your last name, author's name.doc (e.g. Seng_Grosjean.doc).
Upcoming deadlines:
TESL-EJ Vol. 11.1: May 1, 2007
TESL-EJ Vol. 11.2: Aug. 1, 2007
TESL-EJ Vol. 11.3: Nov. 1, 2007
TESL-EJ Vol. 11.4: Feb. 1, 2008
The book review editor reserves the right to edit for style, length and format, as well as reject unsuitable reviews. Substantive changes will be made only after consultation with the reviewer.
In your email, please include name, address, day and evening telephones, fax number.
Books that are not reviewed within a reasonable time frame must be returned, at the reviewer's expense, to:
M. Sokolik, TESL-EJ Editor
Technical Communication Program
College of Engineering
230 Bechtel, #1708
UC Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720-1708.
Review copies, and further information are available from:
Will Seng
University of California, Berkeley
Book reviews should be 900-1,200 words long and should provide both description and substantive evaluation, with the emphasis on the latter. We particularly welcome reviews of textbooks you have already used with students or have included in a syllabus for an upcoming course. Please make such uses evident in your review. Also, considering our broad international readership and readers' varying backgrounds, please define or explain all terms only an ESL/EFL subfield specialist would be expected to know.
Rather than provide a running account of each chapter or every contributor's essay in long, extended paragraphs, try to give an overview of the book, its purpose, and audience. Then incorporate summaries and/or details of specific sections as part of your assessment.
Include a full citation at the beginning of the review, including title, author/editor, edition, date of publication, place of publication, publisher, pagination (small Roman numerals for introductory pages + Arabic numerals for main text pages), ISBN number (as of Jan. 1, the new 13-digit numbering system), and price. A sample of the format follows:
Why Is English Like That?
Norbert Schmitt & Richard Marsden (2006)
Ann Arbor: U. of Michigan Press
Pp. x + 246
ISBN 978-0-472-03134-4 (paper)
$27.50 U.S.
The reviewer's name, affiliation, and e-mail address should be included at the end of the review, flush left, on separate lines, as shown:
Will Seng
University of California, Berkeley
<reviews @tesl-ej.org>
Review essays may be 1,500-2,000 words in length and should include discussion of two or more related books or one author of several books. Full citations of all books discussed, as well as reviewer's name and affiliation, should be as described above.
Reviews should conform generally to the American Psychological Association (5th Edition) format, with the following adjustments made for computer-based dissemination:
For more details, please see: http://tesl-ej.org/apa.html