From the Editors
Welcome to Volume 13 of TESL-EJ. While Maggie Sokolik has been traveling, Submissions Editor Greta Vollmer has been acting editor, so the articles you see here are a product of her work. Thanks to her for stepping in, and doing such a terrific job.
We also would like to thank Will Seng for his time as Reviews Editor. He has done a spectacular job in this position, and we hope to retain his talents elsewhere in the journal organization. In the meantime, we are searching for a new Reviews Editor.
Reviews Editor Sought TESL-EJ is seeking someone to serve as Review Editor. Ideally, this person should have ample editorial experience. He or she should be located in a professional setting that grants mailing privileges, as TESL-EJ has no postal budget. (Publishers typically send books for review directly to reviewers, but there is still an occasional need for mailing.) The Editor must be able to work with strict deadlines, and sensitively with a variety of writers of different skill levels. Unfortunately, because publishers often won’t send books outside of the U.S.A./Canada (at least not reliably), the Editor needs to be located in one of these countries. We apologize for this restriction, but currently, it is a fact of life. TESL-EJ is an entirely volunteer operation. As such, there is no financial compensation for any of our editors. However, this is a wonderful opportunity to work with colleagues, serve the ESL/EFL community, keep current on ESL/EFL publications, and to enhance your own curriculum vitae. If you meet the qualifications, please consider working with us. |
The deadline for our next special issue approaches, which will focus on English education in Iran. We are proud to have had a long relationship with many Iranian scholars—this is an opportunity to further highlight and showcase this research.
Call for ManuscriptsTESL-EJ Special Issue: English Language Education in IranDate of Publication: March 2010 Deadline for Submissions: July 15, 2009 Guest Editor: Professor A. Mehdi Riazi, Shiraz University Email:, Website: The March 2010 issue of TESL-EJ will focus on scholarly research perspectives and classroom-based practices related to English language education in Iran. The editor welcomes submissions of high-quality articles on topics relevant to the English language education in Iran. The following are some suggested, but not limited topics:
Send original and unpublished quantitative and qualitative research papers on one of the topics along with the author’s name, affiliation, email address, and a 50-word biographical statement. All submissions must conform to regular TESL-EJ submission guidelines, which you will find linked on the TESL-EJ site. The deadline for submitting papers is July 15, 2009. Please send full articles and inquiries to either of the emails of the guest editor. |
Best wishes,
Maggie Sokolik, Editor
Thomas Robb, Co-Editor