TESL-EJ began as the brainchild of a group of scholars who saw the need for a freely-distributed electronic academic journal. It has been an “open access journal” since the beginning — even before the phrase “open access journal” had been invented. It has grown to become an internationally-recognized source of ESL and EFL information for people in scores of countries.
All content is freely available without charge to the readers or institutions. Users are allowed to download and share the content published by TESL-EJ as long as they credit the authors and the journal appropriately and do not change the content in any way or use them commercially, “CC BY-NC-ND” (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs). This is in accordance with the Creative Commons definition of “open access.” Authors retain copyright to their own articles and have full publishing rights if they wish to post or print it elsewhere. Please attribute TESL-EJ as the original source.
Our first issue was published in the spring of 1994, and contains an overview article ( by Editorial Board member Roland Sussex. Since then, we have published a wide array of articles and reviews, linking authors and readers on an international scale.
TESL-EJ is fully refereed–each article undergoes an initial review by the editor. If the editor decides that it fits within the guidelines outlined, then it is further reviewed by at least two knowledgeable scholars.
We hope to broaden our range of participation. We invite you to submit an article for consideration, to review a book, software, or website, or to serve as a reviewer for manuscripts that are submitted. If you cannot help in this way, we hope that you will share with us the mission of making TESL-EJ known throughout the world as a dynamic and reliable source of research and information in English as a Second or Foreign Language.
Our Mission
TESL-EJ aims to support ESL & EFL instructors and researchers around the world through articles that are applicable to their teaching and their student’s learning. Consequently, we strive to publish articles with information that is relevant to a wide range of educational contexts. We do not publish contributions that are only relevant to a single country. Such papers would be better placed in a local journal in order to reach its target audience.
Frequency of Publication
The Journal is published quarterly, in February, May, August and November of each year. Once accepted, articles will be published in the next issue following an 8-week preparation period. Authors can expect a period of 3-4 months from submission to acceptance, assuming that no more than minor revisions are required.
Submission Rate
Below are the submission rates for recent years on the left. This excludes invited and special issue articles which are handled separately. The number published includes articles that may have been submitted in the previous year. On the right, we have displayed the statistics generated by our OJS submissions software, showing our editorial activity during 2022. The figures on the two tables var somewhat since a paper accepted in one year might find its way an issue in the following year due to issues on the author’s side.
TESL-EJ does not charge a fee for publication. If you decide to submit to another journal and not TESL-EJ, you should be aware of the rise of predatory journals charging large fees for publication without appropriate quality control. keeps an up-to-date list of such predatory publishers. Read before you submit to another journal, especially if they are asking for a fee.
Following TESL-EJ
Look for us on Facebook:
and Twitter [Follow teslej],
See the separate menu heading with full details of our submission procedures.
The Board of Reviewers
Scholars may join the “Board of Reviewers” after they have submitted at least three reviews of acceptable quality within a period of two years. To become a reviewer, register on the TESL-EJ submissions website ticking the box to agree to review manuscripts and then enter your areas of specialization. Please specify your interests using narrow terms such “feedback”, “motivation”, “autonomy” or “anxiety” rather than broader terms such as “testing”, “psycholinguistics” or “ESL”. Also, please send a recent CV to <> so that we can approve your reviewer status. See our guidance for reviewers (PDF). Furthermore, TESL-EJ recognizess the ten best reviewers each year with a signed certificate of appreciation.
Citing TESL-EJ
Please use the paginated pdf versions when citing TESL-EJ articles. For the first eight volumes, the html version is the definitive edition. Labels within the text, such as [-1-], are used to indicate the end of each page. Each article is paginated independently. To cite page 56 of the Sussex article of issue 1.1, for example, we recommend the following formats:
In text: | Sussex (1994, p. 56) |
In bibliography: | Sussex, R. (1994). TESL-EJ: Conception and potential of an electronic journal. TESL-EJ, 1(1). |
TESL-EJ is indexed by LLBA, ERIC and EBSCO and SCOPUS, among others. You can view TESL-EJ’s standing on Scimago below.
The LOCKSS system has permission to collect, preserve, and serve this open access Archival Unit.
Also, see our listing of citations in Google Scholar here.
Unethical Conduct
We regret that this page has had to be placed on our site and hope that there will be no more instances like these.
Advertising & “Guest Contributions”
TESL-EJ does not accept advertising nor do we publish articles offered by commercial concerns.
Comments & Queries:
Please address any queries concerning the formatting of pages, broken links, etc. to the Technical Editor. Please ‘cc’ any comments to the editor, as well. Note that we do not fix broken links in article in earlier issues.
Editor: | Thomas Robb <> |
Managing Editor: | Seyed Abdollah Shahrokni <> |
Technical Editor: | Aaron Campbell <> |
Physical Address:
TESL-EJ Publications
C/o M. Sokolik
119 Wheeler Hall
UC Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720-2500 USA