Volume 12, Number 3 — December 2008 A Word from the Editors… (pdf) Feature Articles Editor: Maggie Sokolik English in Kerala: Plus ça change?; P. Bhaskaran Nayar (10 Pgs) (pdf) Diffusion of Innovation: A Plea for Indigenous Models; Rani Rubdy (34 Pgs) (pdf) Towards the Creation of Appropriate Teaching Materials for High Proficiency ESL Learners: The Case of Indian Management Students; Catherine Nickerson (13 Pgs) (pdf) Rebuilding English from the Bottom Up: Negotiating Basic Literacy with/for Working-Class Adolescents in Kolkata; Gael Fonken (27 Pgs) (pdf) From Experience to Learning: An Appraisal of the Questionnaire and Workshop as Research Methods in ESL; Premakumari Dheram & Nitya Rani (14 Pgs) (pdf) Media Work: An Authentic Context for Developing Communication Skills in English; R. Amritavalli (8 Pgs) (pdf) Narrative Strategies in an EFL Classroom: An Experiment; Champa Tickoo (14 Pgs) (pdf) Testing Spoken English for Credit within the Indian University System; Shreesh Chaudhary (8 Pgs) (pdf) Sensitizing ESL Learners to Genre; Justi Appa Swami (13 Pgs) (pdf) Impact of Professional Learning Community Participation on Teachers’ Thinking about Classroom Problems; Amol Padwad & Krishna K. Dixit (11 Pgs) (pdf) ESP for Theology: Teachers Must Go the Extra Mile; Iris Devadason (34 Pgs) (pdf) Special Concluding Essay: Writing for Academic Journals; V. Saraswathi (4 Pgs) (pdf) On the Internet Editor: Vance Stevens Recent Impacts of Internet on English Language Training in India ; Revathi Viswanathan (pdf) Media Articles & Reviews Editors: Thomas Delaney & Maja Grgurovic WiZiQ; Reviewed by Ferit Kılıçkaya (pdf) phpBB3; Reviewed by Kurtis McDonald (pdf) Reviews Editor: Will Seng Review Essay Official School Poetry in Indian Textbooks: A Critical View ; Reviewed by Chintan Girish Modi (pdf) Classroom Texts Jane Spiro (2007), Storybuilding ; Reviewed by Hall Houston (pdf) Linda Butler (2007), Fundamentals of Academic Writing (Beginning); Reviewed by David Berry (pdf) Teacher Resources Joseph Shaules, Deep Culture: The Hidden Challenges of Global Living; Reviewed by Fiona Cromarty-Lawtie (pdf) Second Language Acquisition Mick Randall (2007), Memory, Psychology and Second Language Learning; Reviewed by Wayne Rimmer (pdf) Keiko Koda, Ed. (2007), Reading and Language Learning (Best of Language Learning Series); Reviewed by Jesús García Laborda (pdf) Roy Lyster (2007), Learning and Teaching Languages through Content: A Counterbalanced Approach ; Reviewed by Erin-Kate Murphy (pdf) Lynda P. Newcombe (2007), Social Context and Fluency in L2 Learners: The Case of Wales ; Reviewed by Slobodanka Dimova (pdf) Cynthia Lewis, Patricia Enciso, & Elizabeth Birr Moje, Eds. (2007), Reframing Sociocultural Research on Literacy: Identity, Agency, and Power ; Reviewed by Heather Bobrow Finn (pdf)