TESL-EJ welcomes reviews of software, websites, videos, and other non-print media designed for or useful in language learning or teaching. Reviews of development tools (e.g., web design applications), management tools (e.g., course management systems), research tools (e.g., data gathering and analysis tools), and authoring tools (e.g., test development systems) useful to those working in the fields of language education or applied linguistics are also welcome. We are also interested in reviews that compare and contrast similar products and reviews that include a “how-to” component (how a product could be used by teachers or researchers).
Those interested in reviewing a media product for TESL-EJ may do so in one of the following ways:
All potential reviewers should first submit their CV to the Media Review Editors, along with a short summary of their qualifications. Reviews will be considered for publication on the basis of the quality of the evaluation and description of the product, and the relevance and importance of the product to the field. Please refer to the guidelines below, as well as the text specifications outlined in Submission Procedures and APA Formatting. Reviewers may keep their copies of the software. We are sorry that no other compensation can be provided. Media Review Guidelines (updated August 2018)Please note that due to the wide variety of language learning media that are available, the following guidelines should not be looked upon as strict rules, but rather as a set of general suggestions. Some of these points may not apply to a given product and media review authors are encouraged to use their own judgment about what to include and how to format it. If in doubt, please contact the Media Review Editors to discuss the issue. It is always recommended that you read previous reviews for proper examples. Note that in the Guidelines, the term “product” is used for software, websites, tools and other media for consistency reasons. In general, media reviews should be from 900-2,000 words in length, and should include the following:
The Media Review Editors reserve the right to edit submissions for style, length, and format, and may also reject reviews which are not of an acceptable standard. Products that are not reviewed within a reasonable time frame must be returned, at the reviewer’s expense, to the Media Review Editors. Contact InformationQuestions, comments, submissions of materials for review, and any other inquiries regarding TESL-EJ Media Reviews should be directed to the Media Review Editors via <media