Volume 25, Number 4 – February 2022 A Word from the Editors… (pdf) FEATURE ARTICLES Editor: Thomas Robb William S. Pearson, The Teaching English as a Second Language Electronic Journal (TESL-EJ): A Bibliometric Analysis of the First 99 Issues; (pdf) Reza Khany & Ayad Kamalvand, 100 Years of Research on English Language Learning/Teaching Materials: A Systematic Review; (pdf) Ryan W. Pontier, Developing Translanguaging Stances in ESOL-Focused Teacher Education Courses: Teacher Candidates’ Beliefs about and Knowledge of Bilingualism and Bilingual Education; (pdf) Rajab Esfandiari, Hussein Meihami & Fatemeh Jahani, Exploring Postgraduate EFL Students’ Academic Writing Experiences and Expectations: A Dynamic Narrative Approach; (pdf) Javad Behesht Aeen, Ehsan Rassaei, Mohammad Javad Riasati & Mostafa Zamanian, EFL Learners’ Modified Output and their Perceptions of Recast during Face-to-Face, Audio-based and Video-based Synchronous Mobile-mediated Communication; (pdf) Anita Lie, Siti Mina Tamah & Imelda Gozali, The Impact of Teacher Professional Education Program on English Language Use; (pdf) Tuc Chau, Amanda Huensch, Yen K. Hoang & Hiep T. Chau, The Effects of L2 Pronunciation Instruction on EFL Learners’ Intelligibility and Fluency in Spontaneous Speech; (pdf) Leyla N. M. Norman & Zohreh R. Eslami, English Learner Teacher Advocates: A Systematic Literature Review; (pdf) Nikola Lehotska, Zuzana Tomaš & Margita Vojtkulakova, Addressing Media Literacy through an International Virtual Exchange Program: A Report of One ESL-EFL Collaboration; (pdf) Gemma Delicado-Puerto, Laura Alonso-Díaz & Laura V. Fielden Burns, Teaching students, creating teachers:: Focusing on future language teachers and their education for bilingual classrooms”; (pdf) David Bollen, Gareth Humphreys, Shu-Wen Lin & Jonny Donnellan, Transitions to Online Teaching during the COVID-19 Pandemic: an Activity Theory Perspective; (pdf) Nicholas Bremner, What is Learner-Centered Education? Examining the Perspectives of 16 Colombian EFL Teachers; (pdf) spacer ON THE INTERNET Editor: Omran Ali Akasha & Mark Feng Teng Shin Ying Chu, Lay Shi Ng & Grace McConnell, Using the Internet to Instruct on Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) in Classrooms across Borders; (pdf) REVIEWS Books Editors: Alyssa Kermad & Catherine Showalter Teacher Resources Technology and the Psychology of Second Language Learners and Users, Mark R. Freiermuth & Nourollah Zarrinabadi (Eds.) (2020), Reviewed by Marc Jones; (pdf) Academic Writing with Corpora: A Resource Book for Data-Driven Learning, Tatyana Karpenko-Seccombe (2020), Reviewed by Mahfoudh Bessidhoum; (pdf) Media Editors: Tim Kochem, Behzad Mansouri, Ananda Muhammad Explain Everything; Reviewed by Ali Asiri (pdf)