Volume 16, Number 3 — December 2012 A Word from the Editors… (pdf) Feature Articles Editor: Maggie Sokolik Ian Walkinshaw and Oanh Thi Hoang Duong, Native- and Non-Native Speaking English Teachers in Vietnam: Weighing the Benefits; (pdf) Ehsan Rassaei, The Effects of Input-based and Output-based Instruction on L2 Development; (pdf) Joseph Falout, Coping With Demotivation: EFL Learners’ Remotivation Processes; (pdf) On the Internet Editor: Vance Stevens Nassira Houat, Implementing a Wiki Collaborative Writing Project In a Blended Course, (pdf) Media Articles & Reviews Editors: Thomas Delaney & Sarah Huffman Amir Ghorbanpour, Creating Interactive Web-based Exercises in Hot Potatoes, (pdf) Brian E. Hutchinson, Google+: A CALL resource for English Language Learners, (pdf) Reviews Editors: Spencer Salas & Paul Fitchett Classroom Texts Anneli Williams (2012), Collins Vocabulary for IELTS (with CD); Reviewed by Seyed Reza Habibpour, (pdf) Resources & Teacher Education Chris Dede and John Richards, Eds. (2012), Digital Teaching Platforms: Customizing Classroom Learning for Each Student; Reviewed by Lidia Argentina Paun, (pdf) Ping Deters (2011), Identity, Agency and the Acquisition of Professional Language and Culture; Reviewed by Maureen Ray, (pdf) Merrill Swain, Penny Kinnear, & Linda Steinman (2011), Sociocultural Theory in Second Language Education: An Introduction Through Narratives; Reviewed by Shogo Sakurai, (pdf) Anna Ershler Richert (2012), What Should I Do?: Confronting Dilemmas of Teaching in Urban Schools; Reviewed by Jada Deiderich, (pdf) Luke Reynolds (2012), A Call to Creativity: Writing, Reading and Inspiring Students in an Age of Standardization; Reviewed by Katie Wagner, (pdf) Bill VanPatten & Alessandro G. Benati (2010), Key Terms in Second Language Acquisition; Reviewed by Olga Pahom, (pdf) Mark Warschauer (2011), Learning in the Cloud: How (and Why) to Transform Schools with Digital Media; Reviewed by Shannon L. Du, (pdf)