Volume 25, Number 2 – August 2021 A Word from the Editors… (pdf) FEATURE ARTICLES Editor: Thomas Robb Christina Sook Beng Ong & Hajar Abdul Rahim, Analysis of Light Verb Construction Use in L1 and L2: Insights from British and Malaysian Student Writing; (pdf) Behzad Mansouri, Understanding EFL Teachers’ Identity Construction in a Private Language School: A Positioning Analysis; (pdf) Tham My Duong & Huyen Thi Thanh Nguyen, Implementing Task-Based Language Teaching in Vietnamese Secondary Schools: What Hinders EFL Teachers?; (pdf) Mi Sun Park, The Effects of Different Sources of Pre-task Planning on Second Language Oral Performance: A Study of Korean EFL Learners; (pdf) Trần Thị Ngọc Yến, The Relationship between EFL Oral Reading Fluency and Silent Reading Fluency: What Can a Speed Reading Course Tell Us?; (pdf) Hooman Saeli & An Cheng, Peer Feedback, Learners’ Engagement, and L2 Writing Development: The Case of a Test-preparation Class; (pdf) Matthew P. Wallace, Vina Meilin Li, Tracy Cuishi Huang & Nicole Cuiyu He, Metacognitive Strategy Use for EFL Readers: Differences in Gender and Reading Ability; (pdf) Nicholas Bremner, What is Learner-Centered Education? A Quantitative Study of English Language Teachers’ Perspectives; (pdf) Julia C. Lynch, Massive Open Online Professional Individualized Learning: Building Teachers’ Instructional Capacity for English Learners; (pdf) Cristina A. Huertas-Abril, Francisco Javier Palacios-Hidalgo & María Elena Gómez-Parra, Designing Materials for Emergency Remote Language Teaching Contexts: A Qualitative Study of Pre-Service Teachers’ Experiences; (pdf) Jenny Bromley & Lilly K. Yazdanpanah, Teachers’ views of Parental Involvement in the Schooling of Low Literacy Refugee and Migrant Children: An Australian Study; (pdf) spacer REVIEWS Books Editors: Alyssa Kermad & Catherine Showalter Teacher Resources Pamela H.S. Bogart (2020), Teaching speaking online: What every ESL teacher needs to know; Reviewed by Marcio Rubens Soares Gomes; (pdf) Jonathan M. Newton and I.S.P. Nation, 2nd ed. (2021), Teaching ESL/EFL Listening and Speaking ; Reviewed by Chloe Bourdon; (pdf) Media Editors: Tim Kochem, Behzad Mansouri, Ananda Muhammad Say It: English Pronunciation; Reviewed by Jeanne Beck & Andrea Flinn (pdf)