Volume 28, Number 3 – November 2024 A Word from the Editors… (pdf) FEATURE ARTICLES Editor: Thomas Robb Nancy Dieu-Ngoc Nguyen, Alex Ho-Cheong Leung, Ho-Thi Hien & Nguyen-Thi Thiet, The Impact of Virtual Exchanges Using English as a Lingua Franca on Students’ Linguistic and Intercultural Competence; (pdf) Simon Perry, An Autoethnographic Account of a Native English-Speaking Teacher’s Change in Attitude to Non-Native English-Speaking Teachers; (pdf) Bayram Çibik & Hülya İpek, Notetaking instruction for prospective EFL teachers: Effects on notetaking skills and perceptions; (pdf) Stella Kourieos & Dimitris Evripidou, Lack of eye gaze and its effects on spoken interaction in synchronous online communication; (pdf) Bai Li & Qiuxian Chen, Postgraduate Students’ Engagement in Cooperative EFL Writing: An Investment Perspective; (pdf) Karma Sonam Rigdel & Thinley Wangdi, Exploring the Hierarchy of Foreign Language Enjoyment and Boredom in English Language Learners; (pdf) Xiao Han, From Conversation to Interaction: A Pedagogical Exploration of Applying Conversation Analysis in EFL Classrooms; (pdf) Le Thanh Thao & Pham Trut Thuy, Enhancing Emotional Intelligence of Adult Learners in Online EFL Teaching: Insights from Vietnamese Educators; (pdf) spacer spacer Anna C-S Chang, The Effects of Varying Practice Modes on L2 Learners’ Vocabulary Retention Through Songs: Listening, singing, and oral reading; (pdf) ON THE INTERNET Editors: Omran Ali Akasha & Mark Feng Teng Aránsazu García-Pinar, Throtel, throttel, trottel or trotel. Engineering Undergraduates’ Perception of the Use of Kahoot! to Review Course Content; (pdf) REVIEWS Books Editors: J. Dylan Burton & Rachel Toncelli Widya Kusumaningrum, [Book review] Fundamental Considerations in Technology Mediated Language Assessment Karim Sadeghi and Dan Douglas (2023); (pdf) Shofiyah, & Muhamad Laudy Armanda, [Book review] Grammar in ELT and ELT Materials: Evaluating its History and Current Practice (Second Language Acquisition, 164), Graham Burton (2023); (pdf) Samirah Ujang, [Book review] Usage in Second Language Acquisition: Critical Reflections and Future Directions, Kevin McManus (ed) (2024); (pdf)