Volume 27, Number 3 – November 2023 A Word from the Editors… (pdf) FEATURE ARTICLES Editor: Thomas Robb Behrooz Kalantari, Mohammad Aliakbari & Reza Khany, Creativity-Nurturing Practices of Iranian EFL Teachers; (pdf) Kadidja Koné , Reading Circles: Triggers for Increased Engagement of EFL Learners in Extensive Reading; (pdf) Suci Nugrah Amalia, Radina Anggun Nurisma, Utami Widiati & Lastika Ary Prihandoko, Learners’ Agency, Beliefs, Mindsets and Teacher Autonomy as Predictors of Willingness to Communicate in Online Learning; (pdf) Helen Lepp Friesen, Summer English Camp in China: Importance of Relationships in English Language Learning; (pdf) Rintaro Sato, Japanese EFL Speakers’ Willingness to Communicate in L2 Conversations: The Effects of Code-switching and Translanguaging; (pdf) RETROSPECTIVE ARTICLE Vance Stevens with a foreword by Scott Windeatt, Text Manipulation; (pdf) spacer spacer ON THE INTERNET Ilka Kostka & Rachel Toncelli, Exploring Applications of ChatGPT to English Language Teaching: Opportunities, Challenges, and Recommendations; (pdf) REVIEWS Media Editors: Tim Kochem & Ananda Muhammad Inyoung Na, Review of Extempore; (pdf)) Books Editors: J. Dylan Burton & Junjie Gavin Wu Andrea DeCapua & Helaine W. Marshall (2023), Breaking New Ground for SLIFE: The Mutually Adaptive Learning Paradigm, 2nd editions; Reviewed by Praew Bupphachuen; (pdf) Rachel Ruegg (2021), Supporting EMI Students Outside of the Classroom: Evidence from Japan; Reviewed by Reza Anggriyashati Adara; (pdf)