There is no better time to catch up on reading than September. In this issue, you will find lots of reading to fulfill that goal. Among our articles, you will find a diverse collection of topics: from Nicole Fernandez & Albert Inserra’s “Disproportionate Classification of ESL Students in US Special Education” to Masoud Yazdani Moghaddam & Laleh Fakhraee Faruji’s “Cooperative Tasks and Lexical Development of EFL Learners” to Tariq Muhammad Bhatti’s “Teaching Reading Through Computer Assisted Language Learning.” Sean Dowling has also contributed a fascinating look at the use of blogs in education in our On the Internet column. Of course we have a wide selection of reviews, both of media and texts, as well.
In addition, we are pleased to announce the publication of another TESL-EJ Publications book. This is the second volume by Dr. Kató Lomb that we have been happy to publish: Harmony of Babel: Interviews with Great Polyglots of Europe. This book is available at no cost, and is published in PDF format only.
Finally, we are announcing the departure of Dr. Paul Fitchett as one of our Book Review editors. We appreciate his service, and wish him well in his many new endeavors. Dr. Okim Kang of Northern Arizona University will be joining our book review team. We’d like to extend her a warm welcome.
Thanks for your readership!
Maggie Sokolik
Thomas Robb
Seyed Abdollah Shahrokni
Submissions Editor
Aaron Campbell
Technical Editor