Welcome to our 51st issue of TESL-EJ. We would like to welcome two new members of the TESL-EJ family: Spencer Salas of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte joins us as Review Editor, replacing Will Seng. Spencer adds a wealth of experience and expertise to our staff, so we are very happy he has joined us. Of course, it’s not without a measure of sadness, as we say goodbye to Will Seng. Will has been a superb Review Editor, and we will miss his consistent and high quality work.
Second, Iris Levitis, from USUS Schule für Fremdsprachen brings her talent as a copy editor to the journal. We’re grateful for her sharp eye and time.
Third, we welcome our 19 new reviewers. An academic journal thrives only on the strength and willingness of its reviewers, and we grow stronger by the day.
Also, we have launched our new ‘Books’ page. Here you will find our newly launched academic titles, and other information about book publication. We will have a new book out within the next few weeks, Reflective Writing: A Way to Lifelong Teacher Learning, edited by Jill Burton, Phil Quirke, Carla L. Reichmann, and Joy Kreeft Peyton. We’re very excited to add this title to our list of publications that we provide without cost to all our readers around the globe. If you have a book idea, we encourage you to submit a prospectus.
Our next issue, March 2010, is a special issue devoted to English education in Iran. TESL-EJ has always had strong contributions and support from scholars in Iran, and the upcoming special issue will bring insight and understanding into English education in another area of the globe.
As always, we need your help! We do not ask for contributions, but rather, your skills and talents. We need volunteers to help us in the following areas:
– Reviewers: Join our board of reviewers and help assess the quality and value of contributions to the journal
– Book publishing assistants and editors: Read book proposals, manuscripts, and become part of a groundbreaking team
– Copyeditors: Have a great eye for detail? We can use you.
For any of these positions, please contact: with your qualifications.
Finally, remember to follow us on Facebook! (
or on Twitter/teslej
We wish you a very happy and healthy 2010, and thank you for another year of support.
Maggie Sokolik, Editor
Thomas Robb, Co-Editor
Greta Vollmer, Submissions Editor