September 2010 — Volume 14, Number 2
The Effect of the Use of Self-Assessment on EFL Students’ Performance in Reading Comprehension in English
Abdallah Ahmad Baniabdelrahman
Yarmouk University, Jordan
This study investigates the effect of Jordanian Eleventh grade students’ self-assessment on their performance in reading in English. The sample of the study consisted of an experimental group and a control group; each group consisted of two eleventh grade sections (67 male and 69 female students). A reading test was developed and its validity and reliability were established. To collect data about the students’ progress, I used student self-assessment through one-minute papers and rating-scale sheets. The findings of the study revealed that student self-assessment had positive effect on their performance in reading in English. In light of the findings, it is recommended that students be trained on how to use self-assessment, and that instructors become aware of the positive effect of student self-assessment on their performance in reading.
In a broad sense, assessment is “any methods used to better understand the current knowledge that a student possesses” (Collins & O’Brien, 2003, p. 29). According to Crooks (2001), assessment is “any process that provides information about the thinking, achievement or progress of students,” (p. 1). Because assessment is important in teaching and learning, instructors assess their students’ learning regularly. Some of the methods which instructors use to measure their students’ learning are written tests, book reports, project work, homework exercises, oral presentations, and question-and-answer activities. Therefore, instructors spend a great deal of their class time engaged in one type of assessment or another (Stiggins, 2001). On the other hand, student assessment entails using a well-organized system, namely tests, to make judgments about achievement (Gronlund & Linn, 1990). These tests bring anxiety, fear, or disappointment to students, which might negatively affect language learning. Students might suffer from spending long hours of study and preparation for tests haunted by mixed feelings of hope and fear. Unfortunately, they might be disappointed at the fact that what they concentrate on differs from what the instructor emphasizes in his/her questions (Guskey, 2003; Shaaban, 2005).
Any learning system needs feedback (Davis, 1998). Sufficient data need to be collected about each student’s learning proficiency to take whatever action needed to meet each student’s learning needs and to adjust the system. To reach this end, different kinds of assessment could be used to provide reliable information about students’ learning progress. Assessment has “the most powerful influence on student learning” (George & Cowan, 1999, p. 8). Therefore, instructors should always be seeking information that will assist them in improving their students’ performance (Shaaban, 2005; Tedick & Klee, 1998).
There are two types of assessment: formative assessment, that is, assessment for learning, and summative assessment, which is assessment of learning (Stiggins, 2001; Tessmer, 1993). Summative assessment takes place at the end of a term or a course and is used to provide information about how much students have learned or how effective a course has been (Gipps, 1994). Summative assessment is “assessment performance at the end of a term of instruction to evaluate a pupil’s total learning of a subject matter and arrive at a grade,” (Spafford, Pesce, & Grosser, 1998, p. 278). It is the assessment, usually on completion of a course, which says whether the student has passed or not. It is intended to summarize students’ achievement at a particular time. It includes tests, quizzes, assignments, and project work (Boston, 2002). That is to say, a test is usually given at the end of a term, semester or year the purpose of which is to measure proficiency (Boston, 2002).
However, formative assessment takes place during a course of teaching and is used essentially as feedback to the teaching-learning process (O’Malley & Pierce, 1996). In other words, it is an ongoing process of collecting information about students’ performance through various techniques of classroom assessment. The purpose of formative assessment is not only to measure proficiency, but also to improve it as well. It is “an assessment process that is ongoing while teaching and learning are occurring. The purpose of such an assessment is to further the education process rather than to decide on a grade,” (Spafford, Pesce, & Grosser, 1998, p. 108). Continuous, diagnostic assessment provides information that can guide teaching and learning, thereby improving student performance. It includes the use of checklists, conferences, self-assessment, rating scales, and focused observation (Gipps, 1994).
Formative assessments do not inundate students with questions to be answered within a time limit. On the contrary, they “reflect the concepts and skills that the instructor emphasized in class, along with the instructor’s clear criteria for judging students’ performance,” (Guskey, 2003, p. 8). An assessment is summative when the intention is mainly to judge students’ achievement.
Formative assessment, or assessment for learning as it is sometimes called, is a continuous process in which the main purpose is beyond measurement, rather, it is used to help students improve. Summative assessment, or assessment of learning, tends to be an endpoint, usually expressed in grades and concerned with making judgment (Oskarsson, 1980).
Information collected through formative assessment is used to detect the strengths and weaknesses of learners for the purpose of improving proficiency (Collins & O’Brien, 2003; Shaaban, 2005). It provides useful information for both the instructor and the student upon which appropriate action can be taken (Blanch, 1988; Guskey, 2003; Satterly, 1989; Shaaban, 2005). Both forms of classroom assessment, formative and summative, are needed to determine how much learning has occurred.
Students’ involvement in the teaching-learning process is important, as there is evidence suggesting that student self-assessment helps improve students’ performance (Brantmeier, 2005; Fontana & Fernandes, 1994; Shaaban, 2005). Self-assessment does not mean that students are allowed to assess themselves in the form of grades. It is a process of continuous feedback by students on their own progress to help both the students and the instructor.
One technique in assessment is the “One-Minute Paper.” [1] Angelo and Cross (1993) argue that the One-Minute Paper can be used to provide quick feedback on student learning. They also claim that various studies demonstrate that students in classes where One-Minute Papers are used out-gain those not using this technique.
Black and Wiliam (1998a) define the assessment process to include all activities undertaken in class–either by instructors to assess their students or by the students to assess themselves–used as feedback to adjust the teaching-learning strategies. According to this definition, assessment includes instructor observation, classroom discussion, marking tests, and collecting information from the students themselves about their own learning; namely student self-assessment.
Student self-assessment is one of the most important formative classroom assessment techniques. One of the purposes of this technique is to improve the quality of students’ learning. It can also lead to modifications when teaching strategies have not met the required learning outcomes. Some educators argue that students often find external assessment by instructors or supervisors unfair. Therefore, if students are given the chance to assess themselves, they will be more confident to give more accurate information about their progress (Angelo & Cross, 1993).
Student self assessment is “how one views himself/herself in terms of negative and positive characteristics,” (Spafford, Pesce, & Grosser, 1998, p. 253). It refers to students’ evaluation of their progress in knowledge and their improvement in learning (McMillan, 2004). It also refers to a student’s own evaluation of his/her strengths and weaknesses in reading.
By assessing their own learning, students can increase their awareness of what is happening in class (Gipps, 1994). Perhaps the most important factor of a successful teaching-learning process is active student involvement (Stiggins, 2001). Yet, instructors should provide their students with feedback and teach them to use it effectively for learning. Consequently, students can learn how to assess themselves in order to learn what is required for success (Black & Wiliam, 1998b). Hence, successful formative assessment depends on active student involvement.
Teaching and Assessing English in Jordan
Some researchers believe that reading comprehension is difficult to assess accurately (National Capital Language Resource Center, 2004; Abraham, 2005), because “reading is a complex behavior composed of many skills” (Salvia & Ysseldyke, 1988, p. 354). It cannot be assessed in isolation from other skills (Rivas, 1999). In other words, a number of factors must be considered when assessing reading, including: the purpose of reading, the overall linguistic level of the student, and the role of previous knowledge. Assessment of reading ability depends mainly on the purpose of reading. “Reading for a purpose provides motivation – an important aspect of being a good reader” (Grabe, 1991, p. 378).
When assessing reading, instructors assess a number of sub-skills. They assess whether students are able to:
- Comprehend the general idea of a text
- Recognize the type of a text: interactive, informative, narrative, or evaluative
- Arrange the sequence of information in a text
- Use the pre-reading activities to predict what a text would be about
- Guess the meanings of particular words from context
- Extract specific information from a text
- Use different reading strategies: skimming, scanning, speed reading, paced reading, or timed reading
The Ministry of Education in Jordan (MOEJ) seeks the implementation of all these skills in its schools in order to improve students’ achievement in reading. If students demonstrate a command of those skills, then the MOEJ has succeeded in fulfilling its goals.
Because of the importance of English, the MOEJ introduced a new educational system in which English is taught from Grade 1 instead of Grade 4. This change has brought to light new continuous assessment (CA) techniques that are now used to assess students’ achievement. This system was introduced in the basic and secondary stages at the beginning of the academic year 2006 – 2007. This system of CA is currently implemented along with the other formal assessment techniques, namely semester tests. CA is meant to measure the students’ needs continuously through “assessment of attainment. . . , measurement of the value of teaching methods and procedures, and diagnosis of individual or group difficulties” (Sasidharan, 2005, p. 60). English is taught as a school subject to all Jordanian students from Grade 1 to Grade 12, for five to six 45-minute periods per week.
The MOEJ started a new evaluation system in its schools–formative assessment, seeking improvement in students’ performance. However, there is much to be done to fully implement this new system. The aim of this study is to investigate more closely the impact of student self-assessment on their performance in reading in English. The significance of the study is derived from the fact that studies investigating the effect of student self-assessment on students’ performance in reading in English in Jordan are rare and non-comprehensive. Therefore, this study will shed some light on the value of the self assessment technique and its effect on students’ performance in reading in English.
Statement of the Problem
Although classroom assessment has been given much attention in the educational and evaluation system in Jordanian schools, the performance of students is still not at the desired level. I believe that neglecting students’ role in assessments may be one of the main factors behind this low performance. Moreover, student self-assessment, in particular, has so far been disregarded, even though it may have a powerful and positive effect on student learning.
In Jordanian schools, students are assessed solely by instructors; this activity is intended to improve the students’ performance. However, students’ performance is less than expected. One issue is large class size (35-45 students in each section), which has a negative effect on learning and teaching. In classes greater than 25 students, instructors cannot always understand their students’ needs (Hattie, 1998; Sebatane, 1998). In these cases, it is important that students play a role to help themselves become better learners. Self-assessment enhances the role and responsibilities of the student; however, the instructor remains the main source of assessment (Borg, 2006). To this end, this study addresses two questions:
- Are there significant differences in the Jordanian Grade 11 EFL students’ performance in English reading due to either assessment methods (self-assessment method and traditional method) or gender?
- What is the effect of self-assessment on reading?
The hypotheses are:
- There are no significant difference (α = 0.05) between the mean scores of the self-assessment method and traditional method) in the English reading performance test.
- There is no significant difference (α = 0.05) between the mean scores of the male and female eleventh grade students in the English reading performance test.
- The difference between the mean scores of the control group and the mean scores of the experimental group is not practically significant.
The Study Population
The population of the study consisted of all Grade 11 EFL students (males and females) in the public schools in Irbid First Directorate of Education during the second semester of the academic year 2008/2009. More specifically, the population of the study consisted of (3,012) male and female students (1,537 males and 1,465 females). The sample of the study consisted of four Grade 11 sections (two males and two females) from the same directorate. One male and one female section were assigned as the control group and the two other sections as the experimental group. Table 1 below shows the distribution of the population and the sample.
Table 1. Distribution of the Population and the Sample of the Study
Population | 3,012 | 1,465 | 1,537 |
Sample | 136 | 69 | 67 |
Before the study started, permission to carry out the study was obtained from the principals of the male and the female schools. I also explained the purpose of the study to the subjects. After that, the subjects of the study signed the required permission forms to conduct the study.
Two Assessment Methods
The two sections of the experimental group were taught by two trained instructors (one male and one female), using student self-assessment along with other more traditional classroom assessment methods. A One-Minute Paper was used at the end of each reading class period (Appendix 1). In addition, a rating-scale sheet, that is, a written list of performance criteria associated with a particular activity which an observer uses to assess the quality of performance (Dietel, Herman, & Knuth, 1991), was used at the end of each topic/unit (Appendix 2). Both were used as quick diagnostics to encourage students to reflect on their learning and to give the instructor immediate feedback. The two sections in the control group were taught by the same instructors, using traditional classroom assessment techniques.
In order to examine the equivalence of the experimental and control groups, I developed and administered a reading test before the subjects were exposed to the treatment. Table 2 shows the results of ANOVA test of the students’ scores in the test of equivalence.
Table 2. Simple Statistics: Reading Comprehension Pre-Test Scores
Source |
N |
Mean |
Standard deviation |
Method |
Control |
68 | 54.26 | 12.85 |
Experimental |
68 | 55.06 | 13.82 | |
Gender |
Males |
67 | 55.00 | 12.79 |
Females |
69 | 54.33 | 13.86 |
Table 2 shows that the mean scores of the two groups (Control and Experimental) were very similar. The mean scores of the male and female students were also similar.
Table 3. ANOVA Results: Reading Comprehension Pre-Test Scores
Source | P |
F-Value |
Mean Square |
Type III Squares |
DF |
Method | 0.733 | 0.12 | 20.92 | 20.92 | 1 |
Gender | 0.776 | 0.08 | 14.59 | 14.59 | 1 |
Error | 179.28 | 23844.41 | 133 | ||
Grand Total | 23880.44 | 135 |
Table 3 shows that there was no statistically significant difference at α =0.05 between the mean scores of the experimental group and the mean scores of the control group in the reading comprehension test before the study started (F-value = 0.12, P = 0.733); the two groups were equivalent. The mean of the control group was 54.26 with a standard deviation of 12.85, and the mean of the experimental group was 55.06 with a standard deviation of 13.82.
The Instrument
The study instrument was a reading test that was conducted before and after the treatment. In its final form, the test comprised four different reading questions. Question 1 consisted of 6 items, with 2 marks each. The students had to match each item, located on the left, with the suitable text, located on the right. There were four texts on the right. Question 2 consisted of 6 items, with 3 marks each. The students had to read the 6 short texts given and then write one word to complete the sentences that follow each text. Question 3 consisted of 9 items, with 2 marks each. The students had to read the text and then answer the 9 multiple-choice items that followed. Question 4 consisted of 4 items, with 3 marks each. In this, the students read a text and then ticked the items according to whether they were TRUE, FALSE, or DOESN’T SAY. (‘Doesn’t Say’ meant that the piece of information was not mentioned in the text.) There were 60 total points possible, which was later scaled as 100. The time allotted for the test was 60 minutes.
Instrument Validity
To guarantee the validity of the instrument, it was given to a jury of TEFL specialists: three professors in the Curriculum and Instruction Department in the faculty of education at Yarmouk University, three school supervisors at Irbid First Directorate of Education, and three experienced EFL instructors working in schools at the same directorate. The jury examined the test and provided their comments and suggestions for modifications to fit the purpose of the study. They evaluated the test according to language, clarity, appropriateness of the questions to the level of the students, relevance to the skill it has meant to test, and timing. The jurors’ comments and recommendations were taken into consideration, and necessary modifications were made. The test in its former structure consisted of 5 questions of 30 items. The majority of the jurors suggested that the number of questions should be reduced to 4 questions in order to fit the allotted time. Other modifications concerning structure, choice of words, and layout of the test were recommended. For example, originally, Question 1 had two distracters. The jurors recommended an additional distracter. In its final form, the test comprised 4 questions of 25 items.
Instrument Reliability
To establish the reliability of the instrument, a pilot study was conducted in a nearby school three weeks before the pre-test was given to the two groups. Twenty-five Grade 11 EFL students completed the exam. The test was conducted for the first time in early December 2007. Before the test started, I explained the instructions to the students. The students were given no time limit to answer the four questions of the test. I noticed that 60 minutes was enough for average students to complete the test. Three weeks later, the same test was given to the same subjects another time, using the same procedures. This ensured the validity of the previous results. The Pearson correlation coefficient was calculated at r = 84.4%.
Data Collection
To collect the data for this study, I used an adapted One-Minute Paper assignment (Angelo & Cross, 1993) in which students gave short answers to three questions (Appendix 1). The One-Minute Paper had a typical format–students were given three short questions asking to reflect on their learning. Some modifications were made to meet the needs of the study. This One-Minute Paper helped students to reflect on the reading lessons, and gave the instructor immediate feedback about the students’ learning. The One-Minute Paper was used at the end of each class period to check the students’ understanding of what had been taught in that class period. At the end of each topic/unit, a rating-scale sheet was distributed to check the students’ understanding of the topic as a whole (Appendix 2).
In addition, the instructor sometimes asked the students to discuss their thoughts in pairs. The instructor also brought interesting student responses for the next class, in order to encourage students to give thoughtful responses. The purpose of this instrument was to let the students “think aloud,” which provided both the instructor and the students with true data about the students’ learning outcomes. After analyzing the students’ feedback, if the instructor felt that the students had failed to understand a certain point, he or she could try another teaching strategy for the next class to teach that particular point again. To achieve this goal, the instructor collected the students’ feedback and sorted it into topics. For example, some students stated that they faced problems with referencing. Others said that they had difficulty guessing meaning of new vocabulary from context. A third group said that they encountered difficulty in finding the main idea of a given paragraph.
To ensure the appropriate use of the One-Minute Paper, I trained the subjects of the experimental group for two weeks before the treatment on how to self-assess so that they were able to use the One-Minute Paper correctly and effectively. I undertook two actions to ensure that the use of the One-Minute Paper was going smoothly. The first was to prepare printed sheets and giving them to the EFL instructor of the experimental group so that he could distribute them to the students more easily. The second action was to emphasize the reason behind using the One-Minute Paper and what we hoped to achieve. In order to guarantee the best use of the self-assessment technique, the instructors of the experimental group trained their students on how to undertake each of the tasks listed in the self-assessment.
I implemented the reading test twice with both groups; before the treatment to check the equivalence of the two groups, and after the treatment to check if there was any significant difference between the two groups concerning performance in reading attributed to the treatment.
The study lasted for six weeks, from the February 4 to March 15, 2009, during which time I used student self-assessment to teach the experimental group to monitor their progress in reading. Nine reading texts of different topics were included in the study. At the end of the study, a post-test was administered to both groups to investigate the students’ achievement in reading. I marked the test, and the results, along with the results of the pre-test, were analyzed using SAS software. Means, standard deviations, and an ANOVA test were used to determine differences between the reading achievements of the two groups.
Data Analysis
Two techniques were used to analyze the data:
- An ANOVA test was used to compare the means of the two groups.
- The effect size equation was used to check the significance of the practical effect of student self-assessment, along with the statistical significance through the level of improvement in standard deviation.
Table 4 presents the means and standard deviations of the students of the experimental and control groups after the treatment.
Table 4. Means and Standard Deviations of Post-Treatment Reading Comprehension Scores
Source |
N |
Mean |
deviation |
Method |
Control |
68 | 56.40 | 16.41 | |
Experimental |
68 | 65.43 | 12.17 | ||
Gender |
Males |
67 | 62.01 | 13.76 | |
Females |
69 | 59.84 | 16.31 | ||
Method |
Gender | ||||
Control | Males | 33 | 58.18 | 15.20 | |
Control | Females | 35 | 54.71 | 17.93 | |
Exper. | Males | 34 | 65.73 | 11.22 | |
Exper. | Females | 34 | 65.12 | 13.22 |
This table shows that there are differences between the mean scores of the students of the experimental and control groups. The mean score of the experimental group is 65.43 with a standard deviation of 12.17 while the mean score of the control group is 56.40 with a standard deviation of 16.41. In order to test if the difference is significant, ANOVA test was run. The results are presented in table 6 below.
Table 5. ANOVA Test Results: Scores in the Reading Comprehension Pre-Test Scores
Source |
P |
F-Value |
Mean Square |
Type III Squares |
DF |
Method |
0.0004 | 17.03 | 2739.62 | 2739.62 | 1 |
Gender |
0.41 | 0.67 | 141.79 | 141.79 | 1 |
Method*Gender |
0.57 | 0.33 | 69.01 | 69.01 | 1 |
Error |
210.30 | 27760.20 | 132 | ||
Grand Total |
30742.94 | 135 |
Table 5 shows that there is no significant interaction between the method of assessment and the students’ gender (for more clarification see Figure 1). The results also show that there is no significant difference in the students’ scores due to gender (F=0.67, P= 0.41). The mean score of the male students was 62.01 and the mean score of the female students was 59.84. On the other hand, the results show that there is a significant difference between the reading achievement of the students of the experimental group over the students of the control group after treatment due to the method of assessment at α =0.05 (F= 17.03, P= 0.0004). This result supports the alternative hypothesis of the study, which states that there would be a significant difference between the two groups. Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected.
Comparing the average scores of the subjects in the experimental group to the scores of the students in the control group on the same test, the value of F was found to be 17.03. This indicates that the implementation of student self-assessment had a positive effect on the students’ performance in reading at α=0.05. This result supports the alternative hypothesis of the study. Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected.
The effect size equation was used to check the significance of the practical effect of student self-assessment along with the statistical significance through the level of improvement in standard deviation. The effect size was calculated and found to be 0.852, which is significant at α =0.05.
Figure 1. Interaction between Gender and Method of Assessment
Figure 1 shows that although male students scored better than female students in the two methods of assessment, there is no significant interaction between the students’ gender and the method of assessment.
This study found three significant differences due to the implementation of the self-assessment technique. There was a statistically significant difference between the mean scores of the performance of the subjects of the experimental group over the period of the study compared to the mean scores of the subjects of the control group. Moreover, the results of the study reveal that there is a significant difference in variance of achievement between the two groups. The effect size of self-assessment on reading was significant. This indicates that the self-assessment method was more effective than the traditional method of assessment in improving students’ reading comprehension. Thus, the One Minute Papers and rating-scale sheets had a positive effect on students’ understanding in reading. These results might be due to the effect of active learning on students’ understanding and achievement. The use of active learning techniques in the classroom has powerful impact upon students’ learning. Previous research has shown that traditional teaching through lecturing methods dominates students classrooms. On the other hand, the active learning in which students are actively involved in the classroom discussion, positively influences students’ attitudes and achievement (Bonwell & Eison, 1991).
Through attending many sections of the classes that used the self-assessment method, I noticed that student self-assessment had several advantages. It led to improvement in students’ learning, as the results of the post-test showed. I also noticed that the One-Minute Papers and the rating-scale sheets were useful, especially for shy students who were reluctant to say that they did not understand something.
There were 18 failures in the experimental group before treatment in the pre-test. However, the number decreased into 6 failures, whereas, the number of failures in the control group decreased by 2 only (from 19 failures to 17). This indicates that the low achievers in the experimental group showed progress, which may be attributable to the implementation of student self-assessment.
Comparing the raw scores of the high achievers in both groups before and after the treatment, the experimental group subjects progressed more in comparison to the control group subjects. However, comparing the increase in the scores of the high achievers and the low achievers of the experimental group, I found that low achievers had greater score increases. This indicates that low achievers could benefit more from the implementation of the technique of student self-assessment, of course high achievers could benefit from it as well.
It might also encourage EFL instructors to try this classroom assessment technique. Moreover, students can benefit from the results of this study by helping them consider their strengths and weaknesses, and improve their learning.
This study shows that self-assessment is an effective method in improving students’ reading performance. This method of assessment
encourages students to participate more openly, as was clear from the researchers’ day-to-day observations. Self-assessment helps students to give more accurate and honest responses, especially when they feel that they will not be judged solely by marks. It also helps students to direct their own learning efforts more effectively, as was evidenced in this study. More importantly, it helps students become more involved and motivated in the learning process, which was clear in their participation inside and outside the classroom.
[1] The One-Minute paper is described as follows, quoted from Bressoud (n.d.):
In its basic format, the instructor takes the last minute (or, realistically, three minutes) of class and asks students to write down short answers to two questions:
- What was the most important point made in class today?
- What unanswered question do you still have?
Responses can be put on 3×5 cards that are I hand out, or on the student’s own paper. Students can be allowed to respond anonymously, to encourage them to admit points of confusion they might hesitate to put their name to, or they can be asked to write their names so that the instructor can write a brief, personal response to each question or encourage thoughtful answers by giving extra credit.
The questions can be modified in various ways, but they should remain open-ended. In one variation described by Angelo and Cross, the instructor asked each student to name five significant points that had been made in that session.
About the Author
Dr. Abdallah Ahmad Baniabdelrahman is an assistant professor at the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at Yarmouk University in Irbid, Jordan. He has a Ph.D in Curriculum and Instruction of English from the University of Arkansas (U.S.A). His research interests include teacher preparation, teaching English to foreign students, practicum teaching, and technology in language teaching. Dr. Baniabdelrahman has published articles in both local and international journals.
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Tessmer, M. (1993). Planning and conducting formative evaluation: Improving the quality of education and training. London: Kogan Page Limited.
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One-Minute Paper
Dear Student,
Self-assessment is a vital component in learning. You are kindly requested to frankly comment on your own learning. You are encouraged to share responsibility for your own learning. Teaching cannot be effective unless the instructor comes to know your strengths and weaknesses. Your responses will help me find out how the course is going on and give me an idea on whether any changes are needed. This one-minute paper is mainly prepared to help you, and it won’t take much of your time. The more you are open and accurate in answering these questions, the more progress in teaching and learning there will be.
I appreciate your cooperation.
Adapted from Angelo & Cross (1993).
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Rating-Scale Sheet
(Self-assessment for Reading)
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Adapted from: Saskatchewan Education (1998).