With this issue, we begin our 19th volume of TESL-EJ. More importantly, we are about to embark on our 20th year as one of the first online-only, open-access peer-reviewed journals. It is because of the dedication of our many editors and reviewers, not to mention authors, throughout the years, that we remain a thriving publication–one that we hope continues to benefit our community.
As we prepare to celebrate our twentieth year, look for some changes and updates to our site. We won’t reveal too much, but watch for a new look and some new features. We’ll also be starting a funding campaign to ensure that the journal survives for years to come. More on this soon.
One change we would like to announce immediately is the promotion of Seyed Abdollah Shahrokni to Managing Editor. This is in recognition of how much he does to keep this journal functioning. We are also welcoming Dr. Lilly Yazdanpanah of Monash University to assist Abdollah in his many, many tasks.
We hope you enjoy this issue–there’s a lot of reading to do.
If you want regular updates, or share what you’ve learned from TESL-EJ, you can find us on Facebook at and Twitter at
Best wishes,
Maggie Sokolik
Thomas Robb
Seyed Abdollah Shahrokni
Managing Editor
Aaron Campbell
Technical Editor
József Horváth
Social Media Editor
Ilka Kostka
Lead Copy Editor