Welcome to volume #20. Who would have thought, in 1994 when we began, that we would still be going stronger and bigger than ever?
This issue is no exception. We have a lot of reading material for you, set in a number of contexts. No matter what your interests are, we’re sure you’ll find something of interest.
We are seeking an additional Book Review Editor to add to our team. If you are interested in joining our dynamic team of editors and writers, please send a letter of interest and CV to All positions are volunteer.
We hope you enjoy this issue.
Best wishes,
Maggie Sokolik, Editor | Thomas Robb, Co-Editor |
Seyed Abdollah Shahrokni, Managing Editor | Lilly Yazdanpanah, Submissions Editor |
Okim Kang, Book Review Editor | Spencer Salas, Book Review Editor |
Aaron Campbell, Technical Editor | József Horváth, Social Media Editor |
Ilka Kostka, Lead Copy Editor |