When I lived in France, I was introduced to the idea of la rentrée, that time of year when students return to school, vacations are finished, and a sense of newness fills the air: new classes, new concerts, new projects.
This issue of TESL-EJ embraces the spirit of la rentrée; it is filled with new energy—new staff, new articles, a new book, and more.
First, we need to recognize the service of Spencer Salas as Book Review editor for the past many years. We appreciate his work for the journal, and we’re sorry to see him go. [Update: we have found a book review editor. News to come.]
Second, we are welcoming two new submissions editors. We recognize that the submission process is not always as fast as we would like. The new submissions editors will help improve our process. We welcome Ram Giri (Monash University, Australia) and Tim Caudery (emeritus, University of Aarhus, Denmark) to our team. We’re looking forward to working with them.
Next, we are proud to announce the publication of another book by Kató Lomb, With Languages in Mind: Musings of a Polyglot (Translated by Ádám Szegi, edited by Scott Alkire). We have a second edition of Dale T. Griffee’s An Introduction to Second Language Research Methods – Design and Data in the works as well. Look for an announcement soon.
On social media, we exceeded a milestone: we now have over 10,000 members on our Facebook page. If you’d like to join the discussion there, go to facebook.com/groups/teslej/. The discussion is moderated by our Social Media Editor József (Joe) Horváth. He has helped our Facebook outreach become more popular than we could imagine.
We hope you enjoy this issue as much as we enjoyed putting it together. As always, we thank our wonderful staff. It takes more than a village to put together this journal; it takes the globe. We hope you’ll consider joining us as a reviewer of articles, a copy-editor, book review editor, or any other role you might want to take on. Drop us a line!
Vive la rentrée!
Maggie Sokolik, USA, Editor |
Thomas Robb, Japan, Co-Editor |
Seyed Abdollah Shahrokni, USA/Iran, Managing Editor |
Lilly Yazdanpanah, Australia, Submissions Editor |
Okim Kang, USA, Book Review Editor |
József Horváth, Hungary, Social Media Editor |
Aaron Campbell, Japan, Technical Editor |
Ilka Kostka, USA, Lead Copy Editor |