Dear Readers,
Welcome to the February 2021 issue, which concludes Volume 24. We have a full issue for you again, centering on aspects of “active learning” and professional development. When selecting articles for TESL-EJ, we make sure that each one has pedagogical implications that can be applied beyond the context where the paper originated. For those looking for a future research topic, many of the articles would lend themselves toward replication in other contexts, either geographically or by age level of the learners.
After 19 years at the helm of the “On the Internet” column, Vance Stevens, now retired, has tendered his resignation. The column, with its broad perspectives on how the Internet can be applied to teaching and learning, has been a unique feature of TESL-EJ, and one that we hope will continue. We are therefore seeking a new editor, or perhaps co-editors, to continue Vance’s good work. Interested individuals should contact me, <> accompanying the request with a short CV that focuses on language pedagogy, research and professional development along with some suggested topics for future issues.
Readers will have noticed our new “search” function on the top right of each page. The upper one provides a listing of all articles (including reviews) that match the keywords with a single line for each match showing the title and author with links to the HTML and PDF files. The lower link displays the first few lines of each article, so it has more content, but is also more difficult to scan quickly. We hope that these will help you locate relevant articles more quickly.
The TESL-EJ team would also like to thank the reviewers of the articles that have merited inclusion in this issue: Amanda Giles, Amira Albagshi, Babak Khoshnevisan, Barry Lee Reynolds, Christina Nicole Giannikas, Frank Hermann, Galip Kartal, Hamid Bahador, Ji Hye Jaime Chung, Laura Brass, Marta Halaczkiewicz, Michael Joseph Ennis, Randall Davis, Reda Elmabruk, Rita Elaine Silver, Saraswati Dawadi, Seçkin Can, Shaun Manning, Valentin Werner & Xiaomei Sun. There are many others who reviewed articles that did not meet our standards, whom we would also like to collectively thank.
We are looking forward to a great year. In Volume 25, we feature our special issue on “Teaching, Learning, Assessing, and Researching L2 Pragmatics (in Honor of Prof. Zohreh R. Eslami)” (May 2021) as well as 58 articles coming down the pipeline for future issues.
Thomas N. Robb, Ph.D.
For the editorial team