Dear Readers
After our big “blow out issue,” this one is a bit more modest with eight feature articles, an “On the Internet” article that concerns teaching an Interpretation course via Zoom as well as two media reviews.
Great news! Starting with this issue, all feature articles will be assigned DOI numbers. These are linked directly to the HTML versions of TESL-EJ articles. The DOI organization suggests that their number NOT be linked directly to PDF files since accidental clicking would lead to an automatic download of a rather heavy file. The DOI assignments via do come at a cost, which is currently being borne by the volunteer editorial staff. Regular support from a “Sugar Daddy/Mommy” to defray this cost would be warmly appreciated. In line with our long-term policy, however, we cannot accept advertisements, but a warm “Thank you” to the donor will be included on our “About TESL-EJ” page for the duration.
ORCID numbers: We are now including the ORCID numbers of all authors, when available, in the “About the authors” entry at the bottom of each article. This allows readers easy access to further details of each author, including their other publications.
Passages: We welcome three new book review co-editors to replace Alyssa Kermad (California State Polytechnic University) and Catherine Showalter (Northeastern University). We are extremely grateful for their service to TESL-EJ since mid-2018. Both graciously agreed to continue their editorial work while the search for their replacements was conducted. We can now look forward to informative and stimulating reviews from our new team of J. Dylan Burton (Michigan State University), Keith M. Graham (National Taiwan Normal University) and Junjie Gavin Wu (Shenzhen University).
We are also excited to welcome two new people to the TESL-EJ staff. Nguyễn Nhật Quang, (“Quang” for short), our new Production Manager is the Director of HQT Education Ltd., Việt Nam. His remit as Production Manager is to keep tabs on the status of accepted submissions, shepherd them through the production process in a timely manner and make sure that we have all the data required for creating our DOIs and various indexes. Welcome abroad, Quang! We also welcome aboard a new copyeditor, Nan Halberg, who has proven to have not only sharp eyes for formatting and language issues, but also the ability to switch to editorial mode for illogical or unsupported content missed by the reviewers or co-editors. With regret, we must say good-bye to Jeffrey Brown, who has been co-editing submissions for the past five years and is now overwhelmed with responsibilities at his university. Thank you, Jeff!
Thank you to our reviewers! The TESL-EJ team would also like to thank the reviewers of the articles that have merited inclusion in this issue: Ahmed Bashir, Ali Derakhshan, Atipat Boonmoh, Boudjemaa Dendenne, Burcu Gokgoz-Kurt, Chalak Azizeh, David Berry, Dogan Yuksel, Eric Hagley, Frankie Subon, Intania Harismayanti, Majed Alharbi, Marc Jones, Michael Joseph Ennis, Michael Mauricio, Onur Ergunay, Parisa Abdolrezapour, Reman Sabah Meena, Shannon M McCrocklin, Victoria Hortelano, Xiaoli Yu and Zainurrahman. There are many others who reviewed articles that did not meet our standards for publication whom we would also like to collectively thank.
Thomas N. Robb, Ph.D.
For the editorial team