Vol. 3. No. 1 — November 1997
From the Editor
Hello from Salzburg, Austria!
As I write this greeting, I am attending the Salzburg Seminar on The Internet: Networking, Research and Popular American Culture. It is gratifying to see more and more of the world participating in making the internet a truly global venture. I hope this is a trend that will continue. Please take a look at the Seminar site if you have time; I think you’ll find the work there fascinating and inspiring.
If you are reading this on the World Wide Web, you have probably noticed our new look and design. We thought that the beginning of a new volume, Volume 3, would be a good time to review our site design. We hope to make the navigation of the sections of the journal clearer to our readers. We hope this improves access. Comments are welcomed, of course.
Also in this issue, Tom Robb, our Technical Editor, is serving as guest editor for the “On the Internet” column. Jim Duber will return in the next issue with his regular column.
As always, we hope you enjoy this issue, and will encourage your colleagues to read and to submit their work to us.
Again, thank you for your continued support of TESL-EJ. We hope we continue to benefit your professional life.
Maggie Sokolik