December 2012—Volume 16, Number 3
Happy 2013! Here is our 63rd issue of TESL-EJ. I think you’ll find a lot to read in it. As always, we thank our many reviewers and staff. And, our eternal reminder: if you would like to join us, please send us a message! We are always in need of new reviewers; we are looking for additional copy-editors as well.
An upcoming change: Beginning with Volume 17, we will change our publication schedule. There will still be quarterly issues, but they will come out a month earlier than our current schedule. The new schedule will be: May, August, November, and February. This schedule takes effect with our May 2013 issue.
We have included updated information about our special issue as well–because of our publication schedule change, the date for the special issue has changed. Please see the information below.
Make 2013 the year you get involved with the profession–be a reviewer, an editor, or submit a paper or review. Your participation keeps us going!
Remember to find us on Facebook ( and on Twitter (
Best wishes,
Maggie Sokolik
Thomas Robb
Seyed Abdollah Shahrokni
Submissions Editor
Aaron Campbell
Technical Editor
Call for Papers
Special Issue, November 2013
Classrooms in Context
The November 2013 issue will be devoted to classroom research conducted in a variety of contexts worldwide. We are especially interested in classroom contexts that may receive less coverage than others. For instance, that research done with small groups, or in non-traditional or less-reported-on classroom settings. We are interested in providing a venue for research on EFL/ESL teaching done in situations that may not be well represented in the research literature. With English still being one of the most taught second languages in the world, it is certain there are many formal and informal classroom settings that remain unaccounted for, and that have an effect on the learning on the classroom participants.
All submissions will go through the regular review process.
Deadline for submission at our submissions site (
May 1, 2013
Please note on your submissions information that it is for consideration in the special issue.
Maggie Sokolik, Editor, TESL-EJ
UC Berkeley
Greta Gorsuch, Applied Linguistics & Second Language Studies
Texas Tech University